Monday, December 1, 2014

Chapter-3(Number System & Digital device)

1. What is number system? Describe different kinds of number systems.
2. What is 2’s complement? Show a binary subtraction using 2’s complement method.
3. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers:
67, 23.125, 75.105,209,398, 128.375, 924, 1208, 33.125, 215.89
4. Convert the following numbers into decimal numbers:
(1011010.101)2, (203.25)8, (6F.3C)16, (ABCD.EF)16, (6DF)16, (123.54)8
5. Subtract the following numbers using 2’s complement method:
203 to 180, 123 to 256, -190 to 180, (111)10 to (101)10, (101101)2 to (110110)2
6.  i. Add (6F.3C)16 with (203.25)8 the numbers and convert the results in hexadecimal numbers.
      ii. Add (A1D)16 with (346.74)8 and convert the result in octal numbers.
     iii. Add (4C.B7)16 with (123.46)8 and convert the result in decimal numbers.
7. State and prove the De-Morgan‘s theorem for three variables.
8. What is universal gate? How many universal gates are there and what are they? Why NOR gates are called universal gates?
9. Implement the X-OR and X-NOR gates using basic gates only.
10. Implement the X-OR and X-NOR gates using NAND gates only.
11. Show the implementation of full adder. Draw a 4 bit binary adder.
12. Implement the full adder by using half adder.
13. What is register? Write down the different types of register. Draw a 4 bit register and describe it.
14. What is counter? Write down the different types of counter. Draw a 3 bit binary counter and describe it.

Chapter-4(Introduction to web design and HTML)

1. What is webpage? What may be the content of webpage? Explain it briefly.
2. What is website? What is meant by website layout?
3. Write down your ideas about IP address domain.

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